And so it begins…

Here I am, a week into my extended vacation and the real adventure has yet to begin. Tonight I fly to Bali with my best friend Alecia. This trip celebrates our ten year friendiversary (yes it really is as adorable as it sounds). We are going to be journeying through Bali, Thailand, and Cambodia for the next month and a half. Yippee!!!


It is truly amazing what breaking yor day to day routine can do for the mind, body, and soul. As Steve Martin says in one if my favorite movies,

…The first day seemed like a week and the second day seemed like five days. And the third day seemed like a week again and the fourth day seemed like eight days…

So even though I’ve only been away for a week it feels like forever! And I still have six more to go! I truly believe that traveling makes you love longer because your sense of time gets extended.

Last week I left my snowy North Idaho home and travelled to Seattle for the Northwest Yoga Conference (which was AMAZING). I absolutely love Seattle and it felt almost warm to me at 50* F – a nice transition to my next destination of sunny 75* Los Angeles. Gradually acclimating for 90* with humidity in SE Asia! Woof!

Anyway, I have been loving my time in L.A. where my travel partner Alecia lives. I always thought that I would hate L.A. because as Idahoans we are kind of trained to hate Californians since they migrate en masse to Idaho where it is inexpensive and beautiful to live. Needless to say, I was surprised at how nice the city is (minus the terrible traffic…). Yoga, beaches, and shopping galore!

I’ll fill you in on my packing list soon because that is always a huge stress point for me.

Until next time!!

What do you think?